
The pancreas is an important digestive organ. It releases digestive enzymes into the intestine and at the same time produces hormones that primarily serve to regulate blood sugar levels.

The enzymes protease, amylase and lipase break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats from food in the intestine so that they can be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. The islets of Langerhans release insulin and glucagon into the blood and use them to regulate blood sugar levels. Dogs' pancreas is often overwhelmed by an unbalanced diet rich in carbohydrates. Bitter substances stimulate all digestive organs and help the pancreas to do its job. The bitter harongar bark (Harungana madagasariensis), which we process in Pankrema, has proven particularly effective. Dogs with pancreas problems are often fed a low-fat diet, the energy is then supplied via digested carbohydrates. Even if no amylases were needed to break down the starch, the question arises: what to do with the sugar? Because the insulin production of the pancreas would have to ramp up at the same time. With a weakened pancreas, carbohydrates are the wrong nutritional basis, they should better be avoided. Fat digestion can be improved by supporting the bile. "Lecithin with silica" is particularly suitable for this. Lecithin, together with the bile, emulsifies the ingested fats. This relieves the pancreas, which now has to produce fewer lipases. Avoiding fats, especially unsaturated fats, damages the organism! In order to pre-digest the food when the pancreas is weak, the administration of pancreatic enzymes, such as we process them in pancreatin P, is a good idea.